Special Items

Perishables & Imported Merchandise

When you’re bringing perishable or imported items on your flight, be sure to review the guidelines for bringing these items.

Perishable Items

Both non-edible and edible perishable items are allowed on board, as part of your carry-on baggage — provided there is no violation of agricultural restrictions for the destination country.

Perishable items include:

  • Fresh or frozen food, including fruits and vegetables
  • Meats, fish, poultry or baking products
  • Flowers of varying sorts, including cut flowers, floral displays and vegetable plants

If any of your items do not fit within the Delta carrier size and weight restrictions for carry-on baggage we can accept it as checked baggage if you completed a limited liability release form at the airport with a gate agent. Delta is not responsible for any perishable item that spoils or goes bad while in transit.

Imported Items

We allow the importation of certain merchandise when accompanied by an ATA Carnet document, a special international customs document used for the temporary duty-free importation of certain merchandise, whether accompanied or not, into participating countries for one year.

Customs officials in over 75 participating countries accept the Carnet as a guarantee that all customs duties and excise tax will be paid if any of the items covered are not re-exported within the time period allowed. Carnets do not cover consumable goods, disposable items or postal traffic. Special TECRO/AIT Carnets allow for the duty-free entry of commercial samples and professional equipment into Taipei.

The ATA Carnet convention provides for the following categories of goods:

  • Commercial samples — any item temporarily imported solely for the purpose of being shown or demonstrated for the purpose of solicitation of those items.
  • Professional equipment — any equipment necessary to perform a job. This includes, but is not limited to, equipment for the press or television, advertising, cinematographer, testing or repair of machinery, tools or sporting goods, engineering, construction, surgical, electrical, archaeological, musical, or entertainment.
  • Exhibitions fairs — This includes, but is not limited to, a trade, agricultural or crafts exhibition, or similar show, an exhibition or meeting primarily organized for a charitable purpose or an exhibition to promote any branch of learning, art, craft, sport, scientific, educational or cultural activity.

To find out if a specific country accepts ATA Carnets or for more information, please contact:

United States Council for International Business
1212 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10036
Phone: 212-354-4480
Fax: 212-944-0012