If you would like to check the status of your refund or to request a refund of your travel and any items purchased for your trip, please click one of the following.

Request a Refund for an Upcoming Trip

Request a Refund for Unused Tickets or Other Trip Purchases

Check My Refund Status

Risk Free Cancellation

Refunds FAQs

Forms of Payment:

       Please allow seven business days for the refund to show on your online statement or two billing cycles for it to be           displayed on printed statements

•   Tickets paid for by credit card will be refunded to the credit card account used to purchase the ticket, typically within seven business days of Delta's initial receipt of the refund request, up to two credit card billing cycles

•   Tickets paid for by cash or a check will be refunded to the person named as the passenger on the ticket, typically within 20 business days of Delta's initial receipt of the refund request

•    Note: International refunds may take longer due to local banking procedures

All refund requests are subject to the rules of ticketed fare, and fees or penalties may apply to your refund. Your itinerary will be CANCELLED at the time the refund is processed.