We have designed the following pages to provide readily accessible information about our Supplier Diversity program. To understand our selection process, please visit the Supplier Diversity Process Overview page.
At Delta we believe that customer value is derived by partnering with people that fly in our planes. That is why supplier diversity has been embedded in the Delta Flight Plan as a guiding principle for our contracts and purchases. Our goal is to generate a pool of contractors and suppliers that mirror the customers we serve. To accomplish this — supplier diversity practices, procedures, and protocols have been established to drive the inclusion of small and diverse-owned firms into Delta’s corporate supply chain.
It is the policy of Delta Air Lines, Inc. to engage Small, Minority, Women, Veteran, Disabled, and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and/or Transgender-owned business enterprises through our company-wide Supplier Diversity initiative. Delta is committed to the development and support of a diverse supply base and increasing procurement opportunities for diverse companies capable of meeting our price, quality, safety, and delivery requirements.
Delta’s commitment, from its leadership team, enables supply chain management and supplier diversity to cast a wider net to ensure full participation and competitive access by small and diverse-owned firms in bid opportunities for everything that Delta purchases. Delta’s supplier diversity team leads this charge in partnership with an internal network of cross functional supplier diversity Champions.

“Delta’s growth is tied to our customer base, and our fastest growing markets include minorities, women, and international travelers. Doing business with diverse suppliers makes sense and is a core element of our growth strategy.”
—Ed Bastian, Chief Executive Officer
Supplier Code of Conduct
Delta Air Lines is committed to the highest standards of safety, customer service, ethical conduct, and environmental protection. Not only are our employees held to these standards, but Delta has established a Supplier Code of Conduct to set the standard of behavior for all suppliers doing business with us.
Awards & Info
- 2017 Star Awards Event Highlights
- GWBC 2012 Top Corporation
- Black Enterprise Magazine 2012 article
- Diversity Plus 2012 article
- Newsletter - Q1 2012
- Newsletter - Q2 2012
- GMSDC 2011 Executive of the Year Award
- GMSDC 2011 George Lottier Rising Star Award
- GWBC 2011 Voice Award
- GWBC 2011 Advocate of the Year Award